Gut Instincts Podcast 61 - Media Censorship & Corruption

Gut Instincts Podcast 61 - Media Censorship & Corruption

Recently. The blatantly obvious censorship of conservative accounts, independent journalists and other independent researchers has been going on for years. Will these Social Media Mega Companies be responsible for their actions against our US Amendment rights.

Follow me on Instagram @TheCrohnSpartan

Can a private company infringe upon your rights to free speech ? Is it LEGAL. to fire, reprimand or even bring up someone’s comments from social media and use it against them in any way ?

At this point.. Is Bribery LEGAL? Because Sleepy Joe B definitely thinks so. What happened to freedom of Press ? As a US Citizen. You’re privileged many human rights.

When we sign on to use these “ social media “ programs. What is really going on ? We have already caught these companies using our data against us and selling it for profit but now we know even the content itself is controlled completely.

In this episode Ralph and I get into the INSANE Censorship of so much important information that it will change the track of humanity once it all comes into the light. We get a little into Cue and everything from how these companies are scrubbing accounts and falsifying what’s out ( DIS INFO )

This has been going on for Centuries. You must broaden your mind when trying to comprehend the scale of corruption that is going on and how many layers there are in this Onion.

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